When I was much younger and didn’t want to go to school, I would pretend to be ill. My Dad would indulge me. So every once in a while I had a day out with him breaking away from schedule.
I took a gap year in University when things got rough. I’ve taken breaks in my career since childbirth.
I’m far behind in my career compared to my peers, but I have peace of mind.
I really love the story of David in the Bible, where he went in to the temple and ate consecrated bread when he was hungry.
A nice example on breaking free from the expected. I love that God is much more lenient than man with his judgment. Much of our stress comes from trying to meet expectations set by men.
May is mental health awareness month and really all we need to do sometimes is slow down and rest! Perhaps try God’s way when other ways haven’t worked out.
I definitely need to dedicate more time to worship, some things seem so hard.