What Futile means
Ever seen someone so upset because they couldn’t influence your decisions?
Why do people rage when you do not allow them to manipulate you?
Why are people frustrated because they don’t get to rule over another?
Misplaced priorities.
Humans are very intriguing.
People rage because they do not understand the laws of their make up- you should not try to control what you have no business controlling.
You could teach a dog some tricks and train your cat the way you want it to behave, you can tame a lion, teach a bird how to talk.
You can control the fire under your wok so the vegetables come out just the way you want.
There are so many things a human being can exert control over.
But you overestimate yourself if you plan to control and manipulate another human.
It may work for a while but it’ll certainly backfire someday.
It may work while the people are ignorant and helpless, but one day there’ll be an awakening.
So you see, Power does not elude you, you simply do not understand the laws of its make up.
It’s like trying to grasp at air, whether it’s stagnant or flowing, it wasn’t made to be grasped, so you will exert yourself for nothing.
There are so many things in the universe you can control. This control does not extend to human beings, it doesn’t matter if you have money or arms or the wiles — you would never be in control.
Even if you think you are in control, it is an illusion. Sadly you’re going to continue working that to maintain that illusion.
True power is when people follow you of their own free will. — Think on that!
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