A short poem!
Oh what joy it is
That you reciprocate my smile
That you see the little things I do
That you understand my attempts to
Bare my all to you
That you bare yours in turn
That you hold my hand when you sense my trepidations
That you stabilize my stance when you see my wobble
That you shield you me when you hear enemy twangs
I love the surprise you give
That I never expected
That society taught me it could never happen
I love that you challenge my way of reasoning
I love that you believe more in me that I do myself
I love that you trust me to share in your joys and your sorrows
I love that you trust that I can watch your back
I love that you believe my bones can cradle your head
I love that you chose me when I chose you
Of the joys of hesed love
I love love love you
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