What is a Vision?
A vision is a personal idea or a dream of what someone has in mind to accomplish.
Someone can have a vision for their writing, their life, their bakery, their business or company. It’s anything their subconscious mind can conceive.
A vision is necessary because it gives you something to work towards, it gives you a reason to keep moving forward, to keep searching, to keep doing all the things you need to do, to get to what you want your reality to be.
When you have a vision, you have a plan, then you set goals. Short term and long term goals to advance your vision. It’s what keeps you alive every single day.
A company or a country will be finished in no time, if their leaders do not have short term nor long term visions for them.
An individual will weary of life, slowly and surely if they do not have a vision for their life.
What makes individuals and groups lose their vision?
There are Three Things that Cloud our Vision
1. Refusing to Do or Act
The problem with many of us, is not that we don’t know what to do, the problem is we won’t do it.
Let me give you an example, please say this after me,
‘I am a great person’
It was easy to say right. It’s easy to say words of affirmation and words that remind us how beautiful and worthy we are.
What is hard is the doing.
You don’t just become a great person, because you said so.
There are things that must be done.
So just because you write down your vision and print it out, maybe have everyone in the company memorize it, is not enough.
Are you doing the things that need to be done to materialize what your mind has conceived?
Make plans, action lists, set short and long term goals, review them weekly or monthly.
You want to be a best selling author, start writing. A good speaker, start speaking. You want to own a grand coffee house, start learning the skills involved in managing one.
Why is Doing Important?
Doing is so important because in doing, you learn what works and what doesn’t.
You develop a system, you streamline your processes, you form relationships.
You form the path to where you are going to.
Don’t just dream or have visions, wake up and start doing.
The Second thing that clouds our vision is;
2. Having no Support System
Think of a plant, their roots take in water and nutrients necessary to fuel growth, roots help to anchor these plants to the ground. A tree though cut down, remains alive as long as its roots are alive.
Your vision needs to be anchored.
You need a conviction that no one can take away from you.
You need a supportive framework.
You see, although it is your vision, you do not live in an isolated environment, it won’t be a smooth path.
Hardships, financial difficulties and external storms will come, your vision would be able to hold through if it has no backing.
In the beginning, this support might be shallow, but start from there, hold onto to who believes you, hold onto to what you have, then keep expanding.
Take a look at the roots of different plants, and you can easily tell which one can weather the storms, you can tell which one will outlast the other.
3. Small Gains (Successes)
This comes in third because at this time you have put in the work, you’ve started building, you have some supporting frameworks, you’ve begun to see the rewards of your labor —
The accolades, the fame, the money, followers.
When you allow these successes to sway you and get to your head, you can easily lose sight of why you started in the first place.
Do not become complacent with success, the success is just the fruit of your vision, it’s a by product of the vision.
For example, If you plant a tree, say a mango tree and it yields some mangoes, do you hug the mangoes and abandon the rest of the tree?
Fruits and small gains will come and go, they are seasonal, your eyes must always remain on the vision.
In conclusion, a vision is important for a bright future. When you get one, keep doing the things you need to do to advance, keep expanding your support system, and never become complacent because of a little success.
Hi, I’m Dr Nguper, recently I’m discovering that I have a different vision of what work and health ought to be like, and will be writing a lot along those lines.
Meanwhile, I write a weekly health newsletter at https://halexhearty.substack.com/ you won’t regret subscribing.
Get my poetry collection here.