I really hate small talk.
I hate small talk with all of my heart, all of my soul and all my mind.
It is the single most evil unproductive, non paying, unprogressive, most nonsensical thing I come across every day of dealing with humans.
I will rather take the longer route on my journey than take the shorter path and engage in small talk.
Small talk is like perceiving the stench of a fart in a crowded room.
You just keep wondering,
‘How did I wrong the perpetrator?
I know you didn’t do it on purpose but why do you have to suffocate me when I am innocent?’
You know you can’t scrunch up your face, you have to maintain eye contact and be civil and polite.
You have to sit through the stench while thinking of reasonable and respectful reasons to escape.
This was a rant.
Now This is a Plea.
I guess it won’t reach the ones I want to see it.
But please stop talking for the sake of talking.
And just because I do not like small talk doesn’t make me a snub.
I’m not unapproachable.
I’d really just reserve my energy and headspace for something more productive.
I just dislike talk that has no direction and no purpose.
It means these conversations have no purpose or intention but to waste your time.
On the other hand, people who are great at small talk can blend in well in social gatherings.
A Superpower to them.