One of my kids’ favorite rhymes and mine too, is about the bear who went over the mountain.
I don’t think it’s disappointing at all that all that he could see was the other side of the mountain, I think that’s the height of awesomeness.
I mean we all know people who have lived in a city for years and they do not know about the other side of the city.
Some have lived in one part of the country all their lives and have never bothered to wander out and see the other part.
This bear was very enterprising.
And enterprising is what we need to move ahead or make breakthroughs in life.
Sometimes all you need is a change of perspective or mindset.
And you do not get that inspiration by remaining in your comfort zone, you need the other side.
I felt stuck earlier today, and I spoke with my mentor who left me feeling much better and inspired and thankful for my unique set of circumstances instead of grumbling and worrying.
What you think is poison could in fact be the fertilizer you need for growth, and all you need is a change of view.
One man’s poison is another man’s food.
One man’s shrew is another’s soft spot.
One man’s stumbling block is another stepping stone.
One man’s closed door is another’s rerouting.
One man’s insult is another’s motivation
One man’s rock bottom is another’s launching ground
That’s why we all need exposure. Exposure is education about the real world, education about life. Exposure is getting to know more about the foods that other people cherish, about the beliefs that others hold dear, about the values and systems that other thrive on.
It takes humility to seek and learn from others. You can’t learn everything in the classroom, you need to read books, watch films in other languages, you need to travel, you need to go over the mountain, you need to see the other side to broaden your horizons.
Reach out to that person who seems to be have the knowledge you might need, seek for a mentor if you need one.
Speak to a friend or a senior colleague, someone who seems to have your best interests at heart. Have that difficult conversation.
To have more choices in life, you need more exposure.
To stay content in your current circumstances is to limit yourself.
You can be grateful for your present and at the same time be expectant and proactive about the future that you want.
Go for it homie ;) You’ve got this!
The Rhyme:
“The bear went over the mountain,
the bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain to see what it could see
But all that it could see, all that it could see
was the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain was all that it could see”