On Working full time, writing, being a mother and trying to achieve my dreams.
Did you find the title of my topic cloyingly long? And somewhat busy? seemingly directionless? Well that pretty much sums up my life these days.
Am I complaining? No
Is it tiring? it can be a bit tiring
Am I making excuses? No
I haven’t written in a long time, but it certainly is not a good enough of an excuse, because you see, where there’s a will, there’s way.
I hope you can find from reading on, what it means to make lemonade when life hands you lemons.
This write up might be beginning to sound like a logbook of cliches but I promise you there’s a lesson is you hang on a little longer, the silver lining in this cloud is about to materialize.
This write up is a sneak peek at a day in my life.
I got to work 8 minutes late today, spent the first 2 hours resuscitating a critically ill patient, had my lunch before it was 10am, proceeded to do the rounds and see more patients. One whom made me want to run away from the ward all day long. I later on participated in two minor procedures that went well.
Also, I am currently undertaking the klarity health writing internship and have a deadline to submit this week’s article today. I tried to find sometime to do that at work, but didn’t get much done. I still have about 400 words to go and a little over 2 hours.
And I’m currently writing this article in the middle of my scientific essay which needs to be submitted today.
Did I mention that I made dinner after getting home and helped to feed my second kid twice and went out on a 30 minutes walk, because keeping fit is not optional.
And here I am at my laptop.
Its definitely been a long full day and I’m fighting the urge to just close my eyes and I know tomorrow will be just as full as today, but I have an essay to submit before the day ends.
In the midst of all this, I want you to know that life isn’t all about having a day full of activities. It’s about doing what you know you should you do, when you can do it.
It’s about holding yourself to the highest standard, by God. Yes, God, because man will lead you astray.
It is certainly not about making excuses. Excuses wont take you anywhere, at least not in the long run.
There are certain things in my day that didn’t go as I wanted, there are certain things in my life currently that I had no provision for them ever happening.
I don’t know how your life is going — Maybe it is full of activity and to do lists, maybe you’re in a period of rest or procrastination and laziness.
Whatever it is, if you don’t take anything else from this write up, I need you to know that self pity is of the devil.
Never ever relegate yourself to your circumstances
Whatever life throws at you, you can grab it and win with it. You can take a losing situation and win with it. A human being is that dynamic. You are that dynamic!
Make magic, not excuses!
We are going to win at this thing called life!