On Lost Friendships

A Poem

Short. Sweet. Valuable.


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Rabo darling,

Did we ever click?

From babes who knew naught

To babes who thought they knew better

What happened to us on this beautiful journey?

Alas, the storms and quakes have shifted us apart

Unwilling to retrace the lingering scent that once drew us together

Has old age made us insensitive?

I remain hopeful our paths will cross again

Where no judgement is cast, no assumptions made

Clicking because we fit into the space left

I’m hopeful Rabo

Hi, I’m Nguper. I write about relationships, life lessons, poetry and health issues. To see my stories in your feed, I’d love for you to follow me (Terngu)

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Short. Sweet. Valuable.

I write about life lessons, faith, poetry and health issues. A medic and lover of travel, books and good food. ❤️