In other words be willing to take bold risks.
“What’s a Heaven for if a man can’t reach for it?”
The boldest risks I want you to take this year are those of denying yourself.
1. Deny your self food frequently — do not be found among those who are scorned or disrespected because of a meal. Drink garri in your house, you will not die.
2. Deny yourself the clothes and other material things used to adorn the body. Be okay with being viewed as nobody. Your worth does not come from these things.
3. Deny yourself of trying to protect any reputation you think you have. Reputation is simply what others think of you, it is the most unreliable thing in the world because it is only a fiction of the truth. It’s only what people perceive not the reality. Imagine relying on the perceptions of others instead of truth? Perceptions which can change with the drop of a hat.
Have the audacity to walk away from these things which add no substance to your life and see how you avoid the traps most people fall for in life.
See how you regain focus for the things that matter the most.
When these perishable things hold no power over you, you will be surprised the authority and power that you can exercise, the dignity you can protect.
It will be uncomfortable, people get annoyed when someone tries to break away from the default. Let that discomfort and pain of denial inspire you to change and grow.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
This year be willing to change any message, method or mission that isn’t working.
Have audacity!
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#personaldevelopment #2025