I Took a Really Bad Fall Tonight

A Lesson in Creating Something out of ‘Nothing’

Dr Nguper
2 min readOct 6, 2024
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

I live in an estate that’s shaped like a really long race track.

This is good for residents who want to take a walk or a run as the pavements and roads are really suitable.

Great for me who isn’t yet going to any gym.

Due to the frequent rains, my running routine has become very inconsistent.

Tonight though, I decided to take a walk.

And I did.

I try to meditate and pray during my walks and tonight I was telling God about my day, how it wasn’t too great and how my business wasn’t picking up as fast I had envisioned.

And out of the blue, I stumbled and fell.

Thankfully, I could cushion the fall with my palms but my knee still grazed the pavement and my glasses fell to the ground.

It’s been a really long time since I fell so bad.

My palms sting as though someone hit them with a ruler and my knee still aches.

And when I got up from the ground,

honestly, I had to ask out loud,

‘What was that for? Was that necessary’

Don’t ask me who I was asking, I just had to ask.

I looked at the spot where I fell and realized that a while back my son had also fallen in the same spot while on a walk with me.

Two things were responsible for my fall tonight:

1. Unfamiliarity

If I had been walking or running as before perhaps I could have remembered to be more careful when I came to that spot.

Practice makes us learned, more attentive and perfect.

2. Poor Preparation

The second reason was that I was ill prepared — I went for a walk wearing crocs.

Running shoes or walkers could have made more sense but I knowingly chose crocs.

I now realize that these two reasons could also make for my business not going as I want it to.

It takes time to perfect any craft and one has to be prepared for success.

The preparation is just as important as when the success finally happens.

So don’t jump the process, keep on keeping on!

And hey, I got something to write about.

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Dr Nguper
Dr Nguper

Written by Dr Nguper

I think, so I write- filling in the blank spaces

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