How to Accord Respect
My Experience
In the society I currently live in, the notion of do not judge a book by its cover does not exist.
Often times the way you dress is the way you will be addressed.
If you dress in expensive clothes, wear expensive jewelry, drive an expensive car, you will be deeply revered and feared.
If you find yourself in the category of those like me, who repeat clothes every week, wear the same shoe everyday, wear no make up. Do not delight in wearing expensive jewelry or accessories, chances are that the rich man’s dog may be accorded more respect than yourself.
It was initially a shock returning home from school abroad, but after a while I’ve gotten used to it.
But it’s still sad that people prefer to look at the accessories and external appearance in order to know how to relate to you.
My Conclusion
This is the conclusion I have come to; Don’t seek to be respected or honored. Don’t seek to be important. That is not your primary goal of living. That is not the main point.
“Don’t seek to be respected or to be honored. That is not your primary goal of living”
Why Not?
When you become too conscious of whether you’re being respected or not, It could become a trap for you.
Your drive and motive for doing things and being who you are becomes hinged on being respected by others. In everything you do, you are now thinking of how it could paint you to be a better and respectable person. This pattern of thinking and living will end up eating away at who you should really be.
So What is the Main Point?
Just seek to be a better version of yourself everyday. Matthew 5:14 says, “You are the light of the world” It doesn’t say Seek to be the light of the world nor strive to be the light of the world. You are! Know who you are and be you! Be yourself. Let your light shine, cause you are light and It’s not dependent on others. Acknowledge and greet people if you know its the right thing to do, and keep doing it not because others respond or not, keep doing it because it is the right thing to do.
Know who you are and be you!
Just let it go, let the opinions of others go, stop seeking to be noticed, stop seeking to be important, stop seeking to be respected, stop looking to be validated by others and just live freely being you.
“Live to express you, not to impress others. Let your light shine”
Hi ya, I’m Nguper I write on all sorts of topics really.
I also write a weekly health newsletter on how to keep hale and hearty. Do subscribe 🙂