Do you have Emergency friends? — Part 2

Dr Nguper
4 min readMay 14, 2024


Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

It’s easy to throw a party and celebrate with everyone.

But when it’s devastating news, how many people can really give us a shoulder to cry on?

You can cushion the situation with money but who will cushion your heart?

And so human beings become tougher and hard hearted because they went through ‘something’ alone that they didn’t ought to go through alone.

Those who fail to become hardened become broken.

The best way to go through life is to have people around you.

Here are a few reasons why you may not have friends to call upon in an emergency;

1. No conscious effort to have human Resources.

While some people have no one to rely on because they didn’t work on their relationships when times were rosy.

Others have no one because they didn’t put in the effort.

If you’d like to use being an introvert as an excuse you also belong to this category.

Case in Point: My Dad is very conscious about his relationships. He tries to reciprocate everything and to everyone. He is mindful about doing his part even if the other parties don’t do their part.

Sometimes, it seems as though he is on the losing end and and being cheated but it doesn’t matter. He told me once, ‘I do this for myself and not because of them’

I want to tell you something about my Dad’s 60th birthday party. He didn’t want to have anything done as he believed the money could be put to better use. We convinced him to have a gathering of only about 10 people.

We got only a half a carton of wine because it was meant to be a small party.

In the end, over a 100 people showed. Each with a bottle of wine in hand, some brought a carton of wine for the celebrations.

The drinks are need up being in surplus.

My dad is at every birthday and wedding and funeral to show his support. It’s a lot of time and money and effort but you see, because he’s done it for others. They also did it for him.

The greatest asset anyone can have is Human Resources. You read that right, it’s not money.

Save up money. Invest in funds, invest in treasury bills, invest in shares.

But the most important investments are the ones we put in people.

The time you sacrifice to make sure they are okay.

The same way there are no guarantees for other investments yet you still take the risk, it’s the same with people . Some people will reciprocate your efforts, some will not see what you did for them. That’s entitlement screaming from their lives, still no fault of yours.

Ultimately some people will never forget your presence especially in the tough moments of their life.

2. Pride

Others have no one to rely on because they are too proud to ask for or accept help.

Nobody wants others to see them at the weak points of their life, so although it makes sense to shy away from those in our lives, shying away will not help the relationship in the long run.

Relationships must be tested and tried. Give those a round you an opportunity to show their love and loyalty. Give your relationship an opportunity. To be strengthened further.

So examine your lives, dear friends.

Do you have people you can call upon in an emergency?

If the answer is no.

  1. Have you never been conscious about this? Then you need to be deliberate henceforth. Learn to genuinely love. Take an interest in those you are blessed to have around you. Invest in them your time, your money your affections.
  2. If the answer is no. Is it because you are too proud to accept help from others.

We all need each other to survive.

Yes you can still go far in life without people, but you will got farther with people.

You can still get to the top without people. But then it will be too lonely. There are too many stories of those at the top who have succumbed to loneliness and delved into depravity looking for all manner of devices that could fill the emptiness within.

Those who have people have the better bargain in life.

Did you miss Part 1?

Hi, I’m Nguper. I write about relationships, life lessons, poetry and health issues. To see my stories in your feed, I’d love for you to follow me (Terngu)



Dr Nguper
Dr Nguper

Written by Dr Nguper

I think, so I write- filling in the blank spaces

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