Do not be Afraid of Writing out your Heart

Short. Sweet. Valuable.
2 min readMay 2, 2024


Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

I made a companion a few days back.

He wrote a response, then I wrote one back. And then he wrote another and I wrote another back and then I had to stop because I was at work and I was afraid we could go on and on.

It was an exchange of ideas and most importantly a resonance of like minds.

It’s easy to know whom one you would like to have a relationship within the first few minutes of a conversation, spoken or written.

You can tell whose thinking is vastly opposite from yours.

You can tell whose thinking is aligned with yours.

You know how people say or write exactly what you were thinking and you become extremely excited because someone else gets you?

Britannica defines “companionship as the good feeling that comes from being with someone else.”

The feeling of not being alone, I’ll like to call this having thought or philosophy buddies.

So here’s my encouragement, learn to write out your heart.

In doing so, you might gain a companion.

Do not be afraid of being wrong, I think we should be more scared of never being heard.

That small voice within you that thinks something different about a certain topic deserves to be heard.

Putting that small voice out there could just be the encouragement that another person needs to know that they are not alone.

It could just be the strength that another needs to forge on.

You could get a clap or 50 or none but you would have influenced another human being in no small way.

And if you are wrong, someone might correct you, but you have to let that thought out there in the first place.

Hi, I’m Nguper. I write about relationships, life lessons, poetry and health issues. To see my stories in your feed, I’d love for you to follow me (Terngu)



Short. Sweet. Valuable.

I write about life lessons, faith, poetry and health issues. A medic and lover of travel, books and good food. ❤️