Brilliantly written Tsumomo. Books and any kind of media are great for transferring knowledge and culture.
Usually we can’t read the mind of others and we can’t pick their brains until we read a piece of art that they have created and that creates a rollover effect, because someone dared to create, and I see that work, I also get an idea to do something else.
For example, because you have written this, I get to write a reply.
What you said about undervalued artists being more undervalued is both true and false to me. Time will tell, because there are artists whose works of art were never recognized until after they had died e.g Vincent Van Gogh
That’s why I say people should keep creating whether they are applauded or not.
Finally to leave a quote that always spurs me on, “If you do well, you will be accepted”, It’s only a matter of time.