Before you Tag Someone a Narcissist
What is a Tag?
According to Collin’s dictionary, “A tag is a small piece of card or cloth which is attached to an object or person and has information about that object or person on it.”
You’ve seen tags.
They don’t tell you all about the cloth.
For a cloth, you could make a tag.
But from only a tag, you couldn’t say what the cloth was all about.
I dislike labels or tags on people.
Cause they don’t do the people justice.
They are meant for clothes, music and products on a shelf, things not people.
When you call someone a narcissist, you’re labeling them.
But you could say that we should call a spade a spade.
This saying is apt. You are correct.
Call a spade a spade
Don’t call a human a spade
Call a human a human
Don’t call a human a vice
Don’t call a human a disease
I wrote an article on narcissism previously and you just need to look around the internet to see that this is a topic a lot of people are curious about.
When I first learnt of narcissism in school, this was a personality disorder, a psychiatric disorder.
Some will tell you that Narcissism is spectrum and not everyone has the disorder.
Well, most mental disorders are a spectrum.
A narcissist is someone who needs mental care.
A sick person doesn’t need labels, they need a doctor.
If you think someone has narcissism maybe let the psychiatrist do the diagnosis.
It’s definitely not your job in this case to convince them they need help, nor to make them see their problem.
A Nigerian Pidgin proverb says, ‘no go Dey do pass yourself’
This means to not take on what you can’t handle.
I’m not a pediatrician, so when a child is ill I take them to the pediatrician, I don’t try to solve a problem which I’m not trained to handle.
Don’t try to cure or treat or redeem someone you think is a narcissist.
You also should never allow yourself to be affected by what they say or do.
Certainly do not let yourself be mistreated by someone on a spectrum of a mental disorder, once you spot the signs, take care of your safety.
There is so much information available to us that everyone can diagnose and pinpoint any mental disorder.
All I meant to say in this article is, be careful before playing the psychiatrist and, be aware that mental dysfunction is real and you could just be dealing with such a person.
Be kind and also protect yourself!